
Christmas In Kenya

Christmas In Kenya

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season wherever you are in the world. I hope you were able to spend it with f...
Tears in My Eyes

Tears in My Eyes

Tears In My Eyes As we pulled up to the gate, I couldn't help it... tears burst into my eyes. I was overwhelmed with emotions as we finished Afr...
I Made it To Africa

I Made it To Africa

Guess What!?! Nina jifunza kiswahili (translated: "I'm learning Swahili"). Which can only mean one thing.... I've made it to Kenya!  I'm on my la...
Is This Really Happening?

Is This Really Happening?

Is This Really Happening Updates: Support Update Commissioning service Prayer Requests Lessons I'm Learning Right Now Join My Support Team ...
Breaking News

Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS In This Update: Support Update Saying Goodbye A HUGE answer to Prayer The First Day of School Support Team SUPPORT UPDATE: ...
Breaking News

Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS In This Update: Support Update & Financial Deadline 14 Days Away I'm Leaving in 43 days! Calling All Prayer Warriors Disappointi...
They Aren't Forgotten

They Aren't Forgotten

QUICK UPDATE: I'm at 68% of the amount I need to raise a month. I need to raise $2690 a month for ongoing ministry support. Every $50 repre...
100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 10, 11, 12: Recap

100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 10, 11, 12: Recap

I'm back with another 100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus post. Today I'm doing a show-and-tell of day 10, 11, and 12. I ended up making these pages...
100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 9: Dare to Downshift

100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 9: Dare to Downshift

"Jesus, I carry so much that you never intended me to. I need your wisdom to make priorities and your grace to heal perfectionism. Thank you for ne...
100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 8: A Vessel For Love

100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 8: A Vessel For Love

Today I'm working on day 8 in the 100 days of Less Hustle More Jesus devotional and today's message is all about being a vessel for love.  I need ...
This Wasn't Planned

This Wasn't Planned

Change of Plan "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."- Proverbs 16:9 Sometimes our plans are differen...
100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 7: All About the Journey

100 Days Of Less Hustle More Jesus // Day 7: All About the Journey

Thanks for joining me for another 100 days of Bible Journal through the Less Hustle More Jesus devotional. Today I'm working on day 7 which is all...