
Kijabe Update

Kijabe Update

Hi Friends,   After sending out out my update last week, I was so encouraged by the kind notes I received about the new format for my newsletter a...
Glimpses of Life In Kenya

Glimpses of Life In Kenya

Hi Friends,   Sometimes it can be overwhelming to try and share everything that’s happening - especially when I have to be conscientious about con...
Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up In 5 short weeks I will be headed back to Canada for Home Assignment. Can you believe it's been almost three years since I boarded a ...
Is Anxiety a Sin?

Is Anxiety a Sin?

Is Anxiety a sin? Growing up because I struggled with anxiety, I felt like a failure as a Christian. I was seriously struggling with fear, anxiety ...
Moving Towards Shalom

Moving Towards Shalom

Moving Towards Shalom Conference After about 50+ hours of travel, I arrived late last night in Orlando, Florida for a child safety conference. I'...
Why It's Hard to Talk About What I Do

Why It's Hard to Talk About What I Do

Sometimes I feel like I'm in the CIA or FBI.  After a long day in my office, sitting through multiple meetings/child interviews,  answering email...
My Struggles With Self Injury

My Struggles With Self Injury

Am I bleeding?  Suddenly, I stared down at my left arm and I saw the blood pooling up from five crescent shaped imprints on my arm. Somehow, I h...
How Does God View Victim/Survivors of Child Abuse?

How Does God View Victim/Survivors of Child Abuse?

How Does God View Victim/Survivors of child abuse? What are some of the words, phrases, or Bible verses that come to your mind when you hear this q...
A Prayer of Lament for Child Safety Workers

A Prayer of Lament for Child Safety Workers

*I was recently asked to share a devotion for the Child Safety Protection Network's Response Team Training. These are my thoughts from that devotio...
Life in Africa, During a Pandemic

Life in Africa, During a Pandemic

Living in Africa During a Pandemic I have put off writing this for months, as I’ve struggled to put into words what it’s been like living and ser...
I Stand In Awe

I Stand In Awe

Sometimes I stand in awe of the fact that I am currently in Kenya. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Agoraphobia... a severe anxiety disorder wit...
African Routine, Acid Burn, and Building Community

African Routine, Acid Burn, and Building Community

Chatting About Child Safety With Students You do child safety, right? What exactly does that mean?”I was sitting in a grade 11/12 dorm doing dorm...