OLW - Filled Up

Yesterday I shared an open letter to those who were feeling uninspired.

In that post, I shared Jeff Goin’s perspective on “When You’re Feeling Uninspired” 

He writes, “When we’re feeling uninspired, we may, in fact, be spiritually and emotionally empty. If that’s the case, the last course of action you’d want to pursue would be to simply push through the block. Because you’re not blocked. You’re empty. And you need to fill up. You need to step away from your work and do something that recharges you, that leaves you feeling refreshed and inspired.”

As I read those words I realized he was right… I wasn’t actually feeling uninspired I was feeling empty.

The truth is, sometimes in life we feel empty. Our grace tank is empty. Our patience tank is empty. Our energy, our passion, our drive, our joy, our tank is empty. We feel run down and drained. We have nothing left to give. We’ve been running on fumes and there is literally not one more drop in the tank.

I once heard a wise woman (my mom) say, “When your grace tank is empty, go to the grace giver to be filled up. When your patience tank is empty, go to the patience giver. When your joy tank is empty, go to the joy giver.”

You see, if you were a car and your tank was empty you go to the gas station – the source. As a person if your tank empty you have to go to the source as well – God. God loves to give generously to us.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5) 

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11)

Over and over I read “God gives generously”, “God supplies”, “God gives good gifts”. Honestly as weird as this must sound, he’s like a gas station with FREE gas, with an unending supply.

The only caveat though, we have to “ask”. James 1:5 says “you should ask” and Matthew 7:11 says he gives “good things to those who ask“.

When your tank is empty go to the grace giver and ask. When you have no joy left, go to the joy giver and ask. When your patience is literally gone and you are running on fumes, go to the patience giver and ask. Just ask.

Truth time: I need to spend a little time with the giver and ask him to supply, ask him to provide, ask him to fill me up.

xoxo Tori

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