Guess what! I'm moving to Africa!
It was a cool afternoon in November as I stepped off the plane, gathered my luggage and headed home after travelling for almost two years with the African Children’s Choir, serving as teacher and chaperone. I was headed home to Stouffville, but I felt completely lost. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to serve the Lord full time, but I had no idea where or doing what or how to make it happen. I prayed, “God send me, choose me” but all I heard was “wait.” So I came home and started working at Plan to Protect (an abuse prevention consulting company), started a Bible study, joined a church and decided to serve Him locally while I waited.
Over the past four years, I have often wondered why God asked me to wait. Well, I am beginning to understand and I’m excited to share with you what God has been doing. I’ve been accepted for full-time service with Africa Inland Mission to work at Rift Valley Academy, a boarding school for missionary kids in Kenya.
The email that changed my life.
I was sitting in the dining room working away on my computer when I received an email that would change my life. My younger sister (Courtney) had forwarded me an email from Rift Valley Academy (RVA), in which I heard about their desire to recruit a Child Safety Coordinator. It was and is obvious to me that RVA truly desires to support their students, create a safe environment and combat some of the toughest issues all young people face these days (depression, bullying, pornography, self-injury, etc.). I was immediately struck with a desire to help. I grew up as a missionary and pastor’s kid and know the challenges of having parents in ministry. I have sensed God leading me to full time ministry. I have also worked the past four years for Plan to Protect writing policies, training and helping organizations protect children and youth. It seems like the perfect fit! It truly feels like my heart, values and experiences have prepared me for this unique ministry. I can’t wait to see how God is going to use me at RVA, as he takes me beyond my comfort zone.
Did you know?

One of the main reasons missionaries leave the mission field is because of family concerns including their children’s education. I truly believe in the ministry and mission of RVA! RVA’s mission statement is “educating and discipling students toward their potential in Christ thus enabling families to serve.” I desire to be a part of the life-giving ministry of RVA which provides good quality education while transforming the lives of missionary kids by supporting, protecting and discipling them.
Will you partner with me?
I realize that this journey would be impossible without the support of my community. In the last few years, as I waited and wondered where God would call me, He has been faithful to gather family and friends, like you, to walk with me. For my initial vision trip in September 2018, I am praying that God would provide $4440 for flights, visa and travel expenses. AIM is still working on a budget for my full-time ministry that begins in July 2019. Monies received above and beyond this initial amount will help towards my full-time budget (outgoing and monthly). I am praying that God provides monthly supporters who will partner with me through the next year and continue while I am in Africa. Will you pray about partnering with me in this ministry through prayer and financial support?
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