December Daily 2016 – Day 22 and 23

After a little hiatus of busy Christmas-making I’m back with the rest of my December Daily album. Not to worry. I’ll have the 22-31 process videos and blogs up in no time. With photos to boot. Today I’m sharing Day 22 and 23. I did them on one page so it made sense to  do them together.

The 22nd and the 23rd were pretty slow days. I was off work and life was pretty slow… basically just prepping for Christmas, wrapping presents and scrapbooking – my favourite. On the 22nd, after work my dad and I ran over to the mall to pick up some last minute presents for my mom and some stocking stuffers. For dinner we grabbed Pho – which was delicious by the way.

On the 23rd I was home most of the day and to be honest I was feeling pretty crappy about some things. BLAH. But at the end of the day my parents surprised me by taking me out for SUSHI which I love. It was perfect.

So yes, both the 22nd and the 23rd about food and yes I really only managed to get photos of the table but the truth is they tell a pretty important story. The story that my parents know me, love me, and take good care of me…. oh and I love ethnic food, trying new things and spending time with them.

I kept the page pretty simple and I wanted to put the photos on the back of the navy blue envelope from the 20th. I covered the envelope with this adorable black and white heart paper from Felicity Jane and inked the edges with black chalking ink. I grabbed two white Project Life cards from my stash for my journaling.

To embellish the page I fussy cut around two other Project Life cards. The Christmas card was from the Felicity Jane cut apart sheet and the Best Parents Ever was an OLD Studio Calico card I had in my stash from when I was a subscriber. I topped it off with my chipboard numbers and a couple enamel dots and shapes from Freckled Fawn and all together these two days took less than 30 minutes.

If you’d like to check out the process video you can find that here:

Do you ever combine two days in one like this? Let me know, I’d love to see.



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